Male at ihraam

"Glory be to God and praise be to God and the greatest God"
Prayer in the Hajj and Umrah
"O God, bless you, for you have no partner for you. Praise be to you. Praise be to you and to the king. There is no partner for you." [Al-Bukhaari (2/ 170), Muslim (1184)]
Supplication when seeing the Kaaba
Umrah Package December 2017

"Oh God, peace and peace be upon you, and our Lord peace." [Abi Shaybah 7/102, Al-Bayhaqi 5/73]
Praying upon receipt of black stone
"In the name of God and God is greater." [Al-Tabarani (862), (863), Al-Bayhaqi (5/79)]
"There is no god but God and God is greater, O God, the ratification of your book, and the year of your Prophet peace be upon him." [Al-Tabarani (865)]
Du'aa between the corner of Yamani and the Black Stone
"Our Lord has given us good in the world, and in the Hereafter is good, and the punishment of the Fire." [Abu Dawood 2/179 and Ahmad 3/411]
Praying in tawaaf
"O Allah, our Lord, have mercy on us in this world, and in the Hereafter we will be good and keep us in the torment of fire." [Al-Tabarani (857), Al-Bayhaqi (5/84)]
"There is no god but Allah alone, no partner, his King and Praise be to Him, good hands, and He is omnipotent."
Supplication after the knees of tawaaf
Oh God, bind me to your religion, and obey your Messenger peace be upon him.
Oh God, limit me.
Oh God make me who loves you, and loves your angels, and your messenger, and your righteous slaves Oh God love me, and your angels, your messenger, and your righteous slaves.
O God, give me the best of what your righteous servants will bring in this world and the Hereafter.
Oh God, I am pleased to the left, and Jnbani hardship, and forgive.


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